In Mark 3, Jesus sees a man with a withered hand in the synagogue crowd. He looks at the man and says to him:
"Rise and come forward."
That’s the theme of this website. We want you to recognize that the Lord Jesus Christ is calling you out from the crowd in order to not only bless you, but to make you a sign and a demonstration of what happens when we open our lives to welcome Him in the fullness of our Catholic faith.

Dr. Tom Curran
Catholic Radio Host | Speaker | Author
As a speaker, Dr. Curran has given over 2000 presentations to more than 350,000 people in 35 states and 6 countries. He specializes in many topics, including the Sacraments, marriage and family, evangelization, and the Holy Spirit. For over 15 years Dr. Curran has been the host of a Catholic weekday radio show and podcast that airs on more than 10 stations and reaches tens of thousands of Catholics online.
Dr. Curran is the author of five books including The Mass: Four Encounters with Jesus That Will Change Your Life, which was listed on Top 10 Catholic Bestseller List . His second book, Confession: Five Sentences That Will Heal Your Life, has sold over 10,000 copies.
Dr. Curran received his PhD in systematic theology from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., a graduate degree in theology from the Gregorian University in Rome, and has an undergraduate degree in philosophy. Tom lives in Eastern Washington with his wife, Kari, and their nine children.